“I coughed. My chest felt tight. We had been told they were the first symptoms. Now I had them… “ A Friday Fiction Writing Prompt with a little nod toward the current season.
As always these writing prompts are optional and entirely open to your own interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story or something a little more grandiose. If you do write something, either share it or a link, in the comments or tag me. I’d love to read what you create.
Writing Prompt Expanded
Yes, we are in the middle of a pandemic. Please ignore this and move on if it is a little too soon or too close to home.
I have been fascinated by the reactions to the current pandemic. They have ranged from complete and utter terror to the blasé. This prompt enables you to explore the feelings of a character in this first-person narrative.
- Where do they stand on the spectrum?
- What are their reasons for reacting the way they do?
- What are the immediate priorities?
No rules. No word counts limits. Simply explore and write.
Virus Image by mattthewafflecat from Pixabay

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