A Fiction Writing Prompt exploring elements and recipe, to stretch the literary muscles. No rules. No word counts. Simply write and explore.

All the ingredients were finally there. Every essential element was ready. Now…
Writing Prompt Expanded
My personality likes to have everything ready and in place. I like to know where all the things are that I need to use. I like to have all the elements that will be required at my disposal. My personality rarely gets what it wants. My actions don’t always match my needs, but that’s another story. Today’s story, pice of fiction, is yours.
This prompt is all about listing, planning and doing. One way to look at this fiction prompt is to think of it as a recipe. The creative part is to decide who is using the recipe and what are they making. It is a recipe, but what is the recipe for? Is it a literal recipe or a metaphor? Just like the metaphor of a journey, a recipe can be for all aspects of life, so this also makes an ideal journal prompt.
What are the ingredients for?
- the primordial soup?
- the healing chicken soup?
- the cure for all ills?
- the ill that has no cure?
The list of possibilities is endless, so choose one of the above if you need a little guidance. And remember the most important ingredient in fiction writing and any writing is you. All you need to do is turn up and put pen to paper or finger to keyboard and begin. You are the essential element.
As always these writing prompts are optional and entirely open to your interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story or something a little more grandiose. If you do write something, please share it or a link, in the comments, use the hashtag #ffwp or tag me @darrenrhill. I’d love to read what you create. Write and enjoy the learning process.
Original spices image by Barbara Rosner from Pixabay

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