The festival of Mabon in the revised neopagan year is all about harvest. It is the second or final harvest of the year, so time to eat, drink and be merry… once the fields are cleared. Mabon also falls around the autumnal equinox, in the northern hemisphere. The day when daylight and nighttime are equal, and when the sun rises and sets directly in the east and west, It is a day of total balance and equilibrium.
What is our harvest in a modern world, where very few of us live directly off the land? One part of me thinks it is time to be grateful for all that I have. For all that has been ‘harvested’ to create the things I consume. This includes the food on my plate to the clothes I wear and the luxury ‘essentials’ that adorn my lifestyle. However, I lose the earthiness of the harvest in such a simple analogy. There is something of nature that the festival of Mabon brings and I can’t quite connect to it at the moment.
And what a current moment this is. Every aspect of life has been affected by the coronavirus. This year, it feels like there is no harvest. The seasons are merging into one long miasma. Spring, summer and now autumn have felt no different from each other. Lockdowns have meant that even when the sun did shine, travel was limited. The view from a window doesn’t do justice to the awesome cyclical nature the seasons.
At this equinox, I stop for a brief moment. I sit and contemplate all that has and is happening. As the celestial movements are in balance, bringing equilibrium, I seek balance in my own life. Despite the monotony of 2020, the world, the universe and life still continue. The stars burn, the planets turn and despite my lack of notice the seasons continue.
This festival of Mabon I will remember that the harvest still exists.
The universe still provides.
My needs are still met.
I pray that your needs are too.

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