At this time of Hallowe’en, I want to share a few thoughts about Samhain, its relation to thin places, and how these thoughts may help us be better creative humans. You can read on, click the image link above and go to YouTube or scroll down and watch the video below.
I have always been interested in what lies beyond… what is unseen, unknown. What is perhaps erroneously called the supernatural. My interests are in the mystical, the magical, the theological, in gnostic thought, science fiction and science fact, and multiverses and quantum foam. That which can’t be seen. Perhaps best described as reality not yet fully understood.
I believe this is where my interest in the arts lies. The arts express feelings beyond words, beyond sound, beyond image, beyond reason. That’s why I lose myself creating music, journal pages and other arty-type stuff… or perhaps that is where I find myself?
I seek answers philosophically, scientifically and in faith. A paradox?
Some believe that certain times and certain places make seeing into the unknown easier, or even crossing from one side to the other. From beyond to here, from here to the beyond. Samhain is a thin time. The pop festival of Hallowe’en is a crass veneer to make money, belittle any spiritual dimension and promote the latest genre trend in horror.
Samhain and the later Christianised All Hallow’s Eve and All Souls’ Day are moments to think about ‘ends’ and those who have passed through the thin veil… and upon that which may be able to come the other way. It is the beginning of the dark time, and the long nights of winter lay ahead. Life becomes sparse, survival becomes scarce.
This is a time when life lets go.
Life and death inhabit different spaces, yet Samhain allows liminality.
It can be a metaphor for us. To let go, discard. Let what is no longer giving us life pass over, or let the clutter we have accumulated decompose. Yet, at the same time, that which has already passed can be used for guidance, wisdom and warning.
I’m not advocating celebrating death, demons and decay… what you do in your own creative journey is your choice. I’m just letting you know that especially at these thin times and thin places I think about those people, practices and possibilities. As I mentioned above, I am interested in that stuff.
May you let go of what is no longer needed and unburdened travel further.

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