Music to journal by is both a soundtrack to accompany your own journaling practice and a musical soundscape exploring the creative journal process in four movements.
Music to Journal by is a musical journey, an odyssey through the creative process. Now creativity is never set and can take many forms. The process can be complex and varied or simple and straightforward. But I distilled stages that I find often repeated in my own creative process into the four steps presented here. I then sought to express these steps as musical soundscapes. (read on or watch and listen below)
It begins with confusion and stubbornness as you come face to face with the blank page. Overcome adversity the blank page. Emotions, doubts, fears, and dreams all seek purchase in a cacophony of conflicting thoughts. To start or not. To create or not. The first mark, the first word, the first note… when will they appear. Turn up, and overcome adversity.
We demand inspiration as we go through the Invocation of the Muse. We summon forth in rituals, words, and laments. We seek the muse through dreams, pilgrimages and actions. Sometimes we just need to be still. He, she, they may be there, waiting for us to give them space to inspire. Seek and ye shall find, if you have ears, listen.
At some point in the creative process, we find ourselves in a creative flow. Words, brush strokes or melodies are poured out. The creative dam breaks as we Let art Emerge. Time can find little meaning here, minutes or hours may pass in the seeming blink of an eye, or flourish of a pen.
At some point, time does become a thing again. At some point, we realise we have our creation. Our canvas, our words, our score; your art, your page, your music is complete, this is the time to rest to breathe. Exhale. It is created.
This is Music to journal by. This is my creative process. This is my musical interpretation of that process, my soundscape. I share it with you and pray it may resonate with you in your own creative process. Art can heal, I offer a little musical medicine.

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[…] have just completed and shared Music to journal by. This took far longer than I expected. It means there are now even more unfinished songs and […]