A Fiction Writing Prompt about dreaming to stretch the literary muscles. No rules. No word counts. Simply write and explore.

My eyes snapped open. I was wide awake. But the dream was still vivid.
Writing Prompt Expanded
This Friday Fiction Writing Prompt is about stretching your imagination muscles. Dreams are not fully understood. More importantly for us, they don’t follow the normal physical laws of reality. It’s time to play around with some fundamental laws of nature.
The trouble with dreams
Dreams take place in our brains while we sleep. Sometimes we remember them, other times we don’t. We might capture fragments or feelings or sometimes be able to construct a convincing narrative from them. However, in dreams
- things don’t always happen in order
- places and people can become confused and mixed-up
- emotions can be exaggerated or non-existent
- friends and family can act out of character
- places can be known, amalgamated or pure fantasy
- The natural laws of gravity and nature can become warped
In other words, dreams are creative playgrounds for writers. They go beyond the normal constraints of a simple narrative. There are no limits to what your dream can be about. Describe your dream and draw the reader into this ‘strange’ land of the subconscious. No rules, just write and enjoy.
As always these writing prompts are optional and entirely open to your interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story or something a little more grandiose. If you do write something, please share it or a link, in the comments or tag me #ffwp @darrrenrhill. I’d love to read what you create. Write and enjoy the learning process.
Original bed image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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