A Fiction Writing Prompt to stretch the literary muscles. No rules. No word counts. Simply write and explore.

There is no one. Shops are closed with windows boarded up or just abandoned. It looks like a ghost town. What has happened…
Writing Prompt Expanded
How about a little apocalypse? Of course, it doesn’t have to be. That’s the freedom you have in these prompts. I thought it would be good to describe the emptiness of where your protagonist is. To explore and develop your descriptive toolbox.
One way to do this is to contrast the still and silent with the normal busyness and noise. Make comparisons as you describe the location.
- What would normally be taking place?
- Who would regularly be seen here?
- What sounds are now long gone?
- Without people do the buildings take on personalities or human traits?
And of course, there is how this all makes the protagonist feel.
As always these writing prompts are optional and entirely open to your own interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story or something a little more grandiose. If you do write something, please share it or a link, in the comments or tag me. I’d love to read what you create

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What’s happened is a second wave and Brexit…
It is a worrying possibility!