An update, or excerpt, on what I have been creating and doing. Keeping myself accountable, even though I have forgotten to update here for a few weeks. Inspired by my imagination, here are some…
I am composing ‘emerge’. I think this will form part of a collection, the working title of which is currently ‘music to journal by’ – fig 1 is a screenshot of my work in progress. I’ll do a video update on the progress soon.
I am writing again. I have set myself a monthly word count goal. I had a nagging feeling in my soul that I wanted to write. I have plenty of ideas but wasn’t getting around to writing any. So, I set myself a goal, a little more accountability.
The music grimoire my songwriting journal hasn’t seen much action, but I have been working on a collection of songs. I’ll be back in the songwriting journal over the weekend.
I am reading Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. Really enjoying the oral ‘storytelling’ vibe. I always know when I am enjoying a book because I write quotes:
He had done as his dreams had told him, but dreams know more than they reveal, even to the wisest of the gods
Norse mythology by Neil Gaiman
I have been watching Brand New Cherry Flavor on Netflix. It was good, but I didn’t think it was great. There were some really nice ‘horror’ video effects. I quite liked those.
I am thankful for all of you who read and encourage me on my creative path, and as such, I’d best get going and finish a few things.

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