Welcome to the new complete weekly creative prompt. I begin with a single creative prompt word and expand it to inspire fiction writing, journaling and a host of other creative activities. These creative prompts, are to give me, and anyone else who wants to join in, some focus to our creative work.
Ever since the advent of the scientific method, there has been a move toward finding meaning through fact and reason. The age-old truths found in religions and superstition can’t apparently be substantiated through experiment or laboratory work. However, visit any book store or turn on any streaming TV service, and you’ll find endless content exploring the supernatural. Therefore, this week’s creative prompt is:
Myth — a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events
this is a general definition, but I love the way it seems so innocent and straightforward until it gets to the supernatural element
Let the prompt ‘myth’ inspire you in any area of creativity that you are interested:
- writing fiction
- journaling
- art journaling
- songwriting
- photography
- painting
- composing
- blog posts
- art therapy
- anything that could use a little nudge to begin
Let’s expand the word a little further…
Fiction Writing Prompt
The Fiction Writing Prompt aims to stretch the literary muscles. No rules. No word counts. Simply write and explore.

My eyes were not lying. I knew what I saw was real. However, how could it be? What I saw was a myth.
Writing Prompt Expanded
Some of us suffer from motion sickness. It is a very unpleasant feeling and quite debilitating for some. As far as I understand, it is quite often caused by our senses getting confused. They send mixed messages to our brain suggesting, or not suggesting, movement.
This prompt is all about comparing what we are seeing with what we knew, or thought we knew, to be real and possible; a mixed message.
- What do you think you are seeing?
- How do you describe something you know can’t be real?
- Are your senses sending mixed messages?
The writing perspective is in the first person. This makes it easier to explore the feelings and subsequent confusion of the character. The setting and everything else is open to your imagination. Will you explore a ‘traditional’ story or let your creativity run wild and bring into being your very own myth?
Journal prompt
Journaling allows us to hold conversations on paper. From private diaries to creative art journals we pour out our deepest thoughts. A quick glance at the art journal hashtags online will deliver a multitude of mermaids, faeries, and other mythical creatures. Do we only find these myths on paper, or is there an inner yearning to believe in them and broaden reality?
Questions to answer, thoughts to explore or images to create in your journal:
- What mythical creature could you bring to life in your art journal?
- What myths do I believe and why?
- Are there myths you believe in that you haven’t told anyone else about?
Theory of General Creativity
I now have ‘myth’ written on the board above my computer. I am confident it will inspire me on my creative journey this week. Furthermore, I have several pieces of music that are directly inspired by myth, so I am hoping this creative focus will help me move them along. And while I currently live in the South West of England, there are plenty of local stories and places that provide photo opportunities with a mythical twist.
Let ‘myth’ inspire your music, photography, and painting this week.
As always, these creative prompts are optional and entirely open to your interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story, something a little more grandiose or any creative project.
As mentioned before, this isn’t a ‘challenge’ but the prompts can be used that way if you want. If you do create anything using them, I would love to see or hear about it. Leave a link in the comments below or tag me @darrenrhill or #thecreativeminimalist on any social platform.

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