A Fiction Writing Prompt to stretch the literary muscles. No rules. No word counts. Simply write and explore.

This was it, the breakthrough, the eureka moment. Nothing would be the same.
Writing Prompt Expanded
This week’s Friday Fiction Writing Prompt is about capturing the joy and celebration of discovery. The discovery can be anything, although I had in mind some scientific breakthrough, not a text message on a phone (Sorry, I can be a bit of a Sci-Fi geek). It can be something your protagonist has been working on for years or something they stumbled upon. The challenge here is to capture the dawning realisation that things will never be the same.
And perhaps a bigger challenge will be to write without knowing the ‘science’ itself. The discovery can be medical, chemical, metaphysical, quantum, biological… the list is almost endless. But the choice of subject is yours. The only condition is that you write and hopefully have some fun. If you write regularly and often, your writing will improve, that is a scientific fact.
As always these writing prompts are optional and entirely open to your own interpretation. Use them as a starting point for a short story or something a little more grandiose. If you do write something, please share it or a link, in the comments or tag me. I’d love to read what you create. Write and enjoy the learning process.
Original computer board image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

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